Impacts of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
The world of Artificial Intelligence has been growing rapidly right before our eyes. With resources like virtual assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google), image and facial recognition, and new chatbots like ChatGPT that can provide you with instant answers to your questions. The emergence of AI has been making everyday tasks easier for people. While AI could be helpful for everyday tasks, it could also be helpful for certain career types – like marketing! Despite people’s opinions on AI and the fear of it taking away the careers, People have worked hard to begin adopting AI into their career as a companion rather than a leader. This will make their company more efficient than others. Here, we are looking at the different ways to adopt Artificial Intelligence in the marketing world and the impacts of doing so!

Creative ideas can be a hard thing to come up with, especially with the pressure of deadlines and making the idea something no one has ever seen before or thought of. Creative blocks are a difficult hurdle to jump over and could be frustrating to any marketer. But what if there was a way to make these creative blocks easier to conquer? Luckily, there is! AI chatbots like ChatGPT can not only answer questions you may have, but they can also give you some insights on ideas that you may not have even thought of. Similarly, if you have an idea but are not sure how to expand or go about it, AI chatbots could help you expand your idea and give you awareness of the different steps to move on with it. Many people might still ask the question, will that make the idea authentic? What’s important to note here is to not completely use AI to do all the work for you. Of course, it is a helpful tool but only if you use it as a tool rather than relying on it completely. Think of AI as a co-worker to bounce ideas off of until you get one that sparks your interest! Creativity is unique to everyone and is what makes every idea, product, and company stand out in their own way. It’s key that the “end-goal” idea has most of the contribution from you.
Efficiency is another key factor in the marketing world. As we mentioned before, deadlines can be stressful when it comes to bringing the idea you had to life. Whilst trying to get things done as quickly as you can, it may make it harder to make it the best that you can. Fortunately, there are platforms that make things flow more effortlessly when bringing your ideas to life. For instance, slideshows! Slideshows are essential to showcasing your ideas to your team or your manufacturer. The slideshow really sets the mood for what you are offering while also giving a sneak peek at your creativity and how you will showcase it to consumers. Doing so could be a tedious process that at some points, you may not have too much time for. AI platforms like could create such slideshows and make it easier to bring the vision in your head onto a screen. It takes away the long process of how to bring life and efficiency to your idea and helps you make it exactly what you envisioned or even make it better! The same goes for creating other things like advertisements, social media campaigns, emails, videos, images, and more. AI helps this creative process go by quickly and substantially.
Lastly, customers in the market are one of the most important aspects when it comes to marketing. Collecting data on customers is important in order to dictate what trends are the most popular, what they are buying the most of, and what attracts them to a certain product and/or service. Recently, AI has been a big help when it comes to attracting and measuring customer data and behavior. With AI being able to detect customer behavior, this makes it efficient to dictate their target audience and what they should continue or not continue. This sets aside more time to create more ideas based off of this customer behavior. In turn, this could lead to more engagement from the customer and reduced cost/time for the marketers. This impact of AI might be the most popular and easiest one to adopt for almost any marketing company. Since the fear of authenticity of creative ideas or AI having the ability to take away jobs is still fresh in the air, adopting AI to collect data to make things more structured and less time-consuming for other aspects of marketing will be a great first step for any marketing company.
It is no secret that AI is here to stay. While there could be cons of AI and the fears may seem to outweigh the pros, AI is not too bad when it’s used for good. Of course, we can’t let AI take over what skills and aspects make the marketing process unique and important. Withal, it is important that we adopt AI into the marketing process! This will make things beneficial and efficient for marketing companies and make them stand out against the rest. Completely, this will save people from losing their jobs entirely if we learn to only use AI as a tool rather than having it do all the work. Human connection ultimately is what makes the customers feel most connected to the product or service.